Saturday, December 18, 2010

Senate takes step to repeal 'don't ask, don't tell

Senate takes step to repeal 'don't ask, don't tell'

Six Republicans join Democrats in a 63-33 vote to advance the bill that would allow gays to openly serve in the military. A formal vote on the Senate floor still lies ahead.

Senate moves to end 'don't ask, don't tell,' fails to advance Dream Act
Congress is on the brink of major action – or not
House approves repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell'

Gates says Congress appears unlikely to repeal 'don't ask, don't tell' this year

Reporting from Washington and Los Angeles — The Senate was poised on Saturday to allow gays to openly serve in the military after supporters overcame a procedural hurdle to bring the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" to the Senate floor.

In a 63-33 vote, the Senate passed the cloture motion. A formal repeal vote still lies ahead, but the outcome seemed assured after six Republicans joined with Democrats to advance the bill, which required 60 votes.

The six Republican senators who voted with the majority were: Scott Brown, of Massachusetts; Susan M. Collins and Olympia J. Snowe, both of Maine; Mark Kirk of Illinois; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and George Voinovich of Ohio. Sen. Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, the only Democrat to oppose repeal, did not vote.

President Obama has made the repeal of the 1993 law one of his priorities in the lame-duck congressional session. The House passed the bill this week 250 to 174.

"The Senate has taken an historic step toward ending a policy that undermines our national security while violating the very ideals that our brave men and women in uniform risk their lives to defend," President Obama said in a prepared statement." By ending 'don't ask, don't tell," no longer will our nation be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans forced to leave the military, despite years of exemplary performance, because they happen to be gay. And no longer will many thousands more be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country they love.

"It is time to close this chapter in our history," he stated."It is time to recognize that sacrifice, valor and integrity are no more defined by sexual orientation than they are by race or gender, religion or creed. It is time to allow gay and lesbian Americans to serve their country openly. I urge the Senate to send this bill to my desk so that I can sign it into law."

When passed by the Senate and signed by the president, the repeal would allow gays and lesbians to serve in the military without fear of prosecution for their sexual orientation. More than 13,500 people have been dismissed from the military under the law.

"Don't ask, don't tell is wrong," said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) in his opening remarks Saturday morning. "I don't care who you love. If you love this country enough to risk your life for it, you shouldn't have to hide who you are. You ought to be able to serve."

Many Republicans, led by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), opposed the repeal, arguing it should not be considered during the current time of war. That position is backed by chiefs of the Army and Marine Corps who have warned Congress that repeal could pose problems if the law is overturned.

Speaking on the floor before the procedural vote, McCain, the GOP's presidential candidate in 2008, acknowledged that Republicans didn't have the vote to block repeal. He derisively noted that liberals, who lacked military experience, would "high five" across America.

McCain and other Republicans argued that the repeal should not be pushed on troops during a time of war. "They will do what is asked of them," McCain said of the military, "but don't think there won't be a great cost."

Republicans also cited questions among some military leaders, particularly, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos, who argued that repeal could cost lives.

"I don't want to lose any Marines to the distraction," he told reporters this week.

But other military officials including, Adm. Mike Mullen and Marine Gen. James Cartwright, the chairman and vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the fear of disruption is overblown.

Proponents of the repeal made two basic arguments, one involving civil rights and the other military preparedness.

"This is a historic vote for equality, civil rights and a stronger America," said Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.). "This is a continuation of our nation's march toward full equality for all."

Democrats also cited a recently released Pentagon study that found that two-thirds of the military didn't think changing the law would have much of an effect.

Once the measure becomes law, Obama and military chiefs will have to certify that the change wouldn't hurt the ability of troops to fight and there would also be a 60-day waiting period. The actual elimination of "don't ask, don't tell," which dates back to the Clinton administration, could take as long as a year.

Still there was happiness among supporters, some of whom were in the Senate gallery to watch the vote.

"This has been a long fought battle, but this failed and discriminatory law will now be history," said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign.

The Senate began its rare weekend session Saturday morning poised to battle over two of the most contentious social issues in this lame-duck session, "don't ask, don't tell" and immigration. Earlier, the Senate voted down an effort to bring the Dream Act to the floor.
Copyright © 2010, Los Angeles Times

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bill O'Reilly's Ignorance Strikes Again!

On the Last Word on MSNBC, Bill O'Reilly's visit was picked apart:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Honorable? Perez Hilton Swears off Bullying and Outing

Perez made an appearance on Ellen's show and had this to say:

The Air Force Has Stopped Enforcing Gay Ban

From the Associated Press:

"The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network circulated an e-mail on Thursday that it says was written by the Air Force’s Judge Advocate General Richard Harding. In that e-mail, Harding says the Defense Department “will abide” by a court order that says the military can no longer discharge service members who are openly gay."

Adulterous Affairs = Repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell?

Tea-Party backed candidate for Delaware's U.S. Senate says that repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" would be like telling the military to endure adulterous affairs between married people.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gender Free Bathrooms in Starbucks

From on October 1st, 2010:

"Starting Monday, local Starbucks locations will begin swapping out the "Men's" and "Women's" bathroom signs on each of the coffee chain's restroom facilities inside the District of Columbia. Within a month, all 52 of D.C.'s Starbucks single-stall bathrooms will be gender-neutral.

The switch comes after campaigning efforts by local LGBT groups the DC Trans Coalition and the DC Center, who are pushing all local businesses to comply with a little-known regulation in D.C. law ensuring that all public restrooms are equally accessible to transgender and gender-nonconforming people."

Discrimination? Certainly Not!

Discrimination? Certainly Not!

A video by Rob Tisinai on his take of the stupid arguments against same sex marriage:

A Movie About Constance McMillen

"ABC Family is developing a TV movie about the lesbian teenager who made national news after her high school banned her from the prom, network reps say.[...]

Craig Zadan and Neil Meron are attached to the TV movie, which is in early stages of development, ABC Family reps say." -- Quote taken from a story on Bilerico Project.

Two Teens and Man Beaten and Sodomized

9 men from the ages of 16 through 26 kidnapped 2 teens and took them to an empty apartment in the Bronx. The teens were beaten and sodomized until one of them admitted to having sex with a 30 year old man. The men then told the 30 year old to bring liquor to what they told him was a house party.

From the NYTimes (

"The attackers forced the man to strip to his underwear and tied him to a chair, the police said. One of the teenage victims was still there, and the “Goonies” ordered him to attack the man. The teenager hit him in the face and burned him with a cigarette on his nipple and penis as the others jeered and shouted gay slurs, the police said. Then the attackers whipped the man with a chain and sodomized him with a small baseball bat.

The beatings and robberies went on for hours. They were followed by a remarkably thorough attempt to sanitize the house — including pouring bleach down drains, the police said, as little by little word of the attacks trickled to the police. A crucial clue to the attackers was provided by someone who slipped a note to a police officer outside the crime scene, at 1910 Osborne Place in Morris Heights, near Bronx Community College."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Young Boy Cheerleader Assaulted

Eleven-year-old Tyler Wilson of Findlay, Ohio is a kid that loves gymnastics and tumbling. He joined the football team's cheerleading squad and all hell broke lose.

From to ABC News:

"According to the mother and the police report filed on the incident, Tyler was walking home from school when two of his alleged tormentors approached him and punched him. As Tyler continued his walk home from school, the two boys continued to follow him, the police report said. Several small skirmishes broke out between Tyler and the two boys, according to the police report, and eventually one of the boys allegedly picked Tyler up and slammed him on the ground, breaking his arm."

Judge Vaughn Walker Retires

From the Chronicle

The federal judge who struck down California’s gay marriage ban as unconstitutional this year announced Wednesday he is retiring from the bench after 21 years.

Lynn Fuller, a spokeswoman for U.S. District Court in San Francisco, said Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker notified President Barack Obama by letter Wednesday that he will step down in February.

"It Gets Better": Reaching out to Stop Teen Suicide

“Go To A Country Where They Hang People Like You”

In La Crosse, Wisconsin, where they host an annual festival, the parade commodore shoved a 14-year-old girl who was carrying two rainbow flags just before a parade on Saturday.

According to the La Crosse Tribune:

"Commodore Mark Schneider, who was on a float nearby, approached the girl and put his hands on the flagpole, [the LGBT center's Executive Director Rosanne] St. Sauver said. St. Sauver walked over, placed her hands on the pole and told him, “Please stop, she’s a 14-year-old child.”

“He said, ‘I do not care. Look what you are teaching them,’” St. Sauver said.

That’s when, St. Sauver said, Schneider shoved the girl with his body.

St. Sauver said Schneider told the girl: “Go to a country where they will hang people like you.“

The incident left the teen crying, and others upset, St. Sauver said. This is the first year the center has participated in the parade."

Of course, Schneider denies it.

Students Violate Privacy that Ends a Life

A body pulled from the Hudson was ruled not only as a suicide, but was the body of Tyler Clementi. He jumped off of the George Washington Bridge after his roommate, Dharan Ravi, livestreamed him having sex with another male student on the internet. Dharan and fellow freshman Molly Wei were charged by the police with several counts of violating Tyler’s privacy.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Anti-Gay Bullying Leads to Suicide

A 14 year old boy took his life after enduring anti-gay bullying.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Twitter Ruins Lives

In Indianapolis, a Republican congressional candidate named Stan Solomon stated that his volunteer campaign manager resigned after condescending comments about gays were made. Not only did said candidate insult gays, but Muslims as well. It was not that he spoke them out loud. Why do such a thing when you can use the force that is Twitter?

Gaga for More GaGa?

Lady GaGa brought some very interesting date choices to the Video Music Awards. What makes this interesting? Her dates were gay soldiers who had been discharged due to Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. One of them a young woman who has recently appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show and wore her West Pointe uniform even though she is no longer considered part of the school.

IHOP Shall Sue IHOP!

As reported by CNN:

“IHOP has filed a lawsuit against a church group called the International House of Prayer claiming that the group is illegally using the pancake house's famous acronym.
The legal flap started earlier this month when the International House of Pancakes filed the lawsuit in a federal court in California.

The Kansas City, Missouri-based church group "selected and adopted the International House of Prayer name, knowing it would be abbreviated IHOP. IHOP-KC intended to misappropriate the fame and notoriety of the household name IHOP to help promote and make recognizable their religious organization," the lawsuit says.

Lawyers from the pancake restaurant say the odds are stacked against the church group and provided the court with pages and pages of documentation of websites, newsletters and signs on buildings where the prayer group allegedly used the IHOP acronym.
The use of the acronym infringes on the restaurant's trademark, the restaurant contends.

So, IHOP, the pancake house, is asking a judge to get IHOP, the church group, to stop using the letters IHOP.

The restaurant says it has used the acronym for more than 30 years.

As of Thursday, representatives from the International House of Prayer had not filed a response to the lawsuit, according to court documents.

The church group started in 1999 in Missouri and now bills itself as 24/7 place for people to come and pray, according to the group's website.”

Support for Equality in America?

Thanks to a survey reported in the New York Times where 1,007 people in August were surveyed over the phone, we have this to report on the progress of equality in America:

.NCC10. Should couples of the same sex be entitled to the same government benefits as married couples of the opposite sex, or should the government distinguish between them?
58% – Yes, should be entitled to the same benefits
38% – No, should distinguish between them
3% – Don’t know
1% – Refused
NCC12. Should the Federal Government give legal recognition to marriages between couples of the same sex, or not?
52% – Yes
46% – No
2% – Don’t know
Additionally, there were a couple questions and responses which suggests that anti-gay complaints about “activist judges” may not be an effective strategy.
NCC4. And how about these, which do you agree with more?
35% – If a majority of people want something to happen, the rights of a few shouldn’t stand in the way
62% – The rights of everyone should be protected, even when that means saying no to something the majority of people want to happen.
2% – Don’t know
1% – Refused
NCC18. Which comes closest to your view?
41% – Judges should interpret the laws as narrowly as possible, taking into account only what is
clearly the intention of the lawmakers
56% – Judges should interpret laws broadly, taking into account the broader interests of the
3% – Don’t know
This was based on a telephone survey (land and cell) of 1,007 participants around the third week of August and has a sampling margin of +/-4.5%. This was a survey of the populace, not of voters.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell is Unconstitutional, Still.

Recently, Don't Ask, Don't Tell was deemed unconstitutional, violating the First and Fifth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. We don't know yet if any injunction issued by U.S. District Court Judge Virginia A. Phillip will be binding at this point.

The Senate at this time is in its August recess. When they come back, will we see any progress on the situation?

Google Censored

Google rolled out an amazing new feature. It's called Instant Search. As you type words into the search bar, it populates corresponding page links and changes with every word you type. Amazing, right?

There are activists in an uproar that, when you type phrases such as "faggot" or "lesbian", no page links show up until you press OK. When you search for the word "fag", this is not the case.

Is Google keeping it safe for the kiddies or should we be upset that terms such as "lesbian" and "faggot" may bring up gross porn, but the word "fag", in US terms, is deemed ok to search without that extra OK step?

The Gay is in the Music

Chuck Panozzo, bass player of the Styx is gay! Whether you're a fan of their music or not, it's always good to find out about one of our own. Years ago, Chuck also wrote a book called The Grand Illusion: Love, Lies and My Life With Styx.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Maggie Gallagher Meets St. Peter by Rob Tisinai of Box Turtle Bulletin

With the help of movie making site, Rob brings us this little amusement:

The Mind of a Gay: John Barrowman

The extremely handsome and openly gay star of Torchwoord, an awesome TV show on BBC, worked with BBC to research how he is gay and why.

No Divorce for You, Texas!

It has been ruled by an appeals court that divorce is not allowed for gay couples. Texas does not currently recognize gay marriage and they aren't about to. In fact, they want to create an amendment against it.

In a district court, the judge had ruled in favor of the gay couple who wanted to divorce, but the 5th Texas Court of Appeals ruled that the judge had no jurisdiction.

Everything is bigger in Texas, which includes bigotry.

GaGa Goes Minister

Lady GaGa has expressed the desire to become an ordained minister in California so that she can marry fans on stage. Whether this is another spectacle or a dream come true for you, it just seems like a start at a Bad Romance.

Cancer Drugs to Cure HIV?

New research is coming to light to possibly help cure HIV. Though the drugs taken currently by HIV positive people can cause the virus to lay dormant in the cells, if the drugs are not taken, the virus can spring up stronger than before. The research will hopefully attack the virus hiding in the cells to cure HIV for good.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Former Republican Chairman Comes Out As Gay

Ken Mehlman, the former Republican party chairman and aide to George Bush has come out of the closet. When asked about reconciling his sexuality with the anti-gay antics and attitudes of the Republican Party, he said, "I can't change the fact that I wasn't in this place personally when I was in politics, and I genuinely regret that. It was very hard, personally."

Gay Umpire Subject to Anti-Gay Rant

A baseball umpire Billy Van Raaphorst was the target of a team manager Brent Bowers' anti-gay rant while on the diamond. This resulted in the manager losing his position.

In the words of Van Raaphorst, who is openly gay, "Today’s my first day speaking in front of any organization about myself, my sexuality, my family, my situation in professional baseball. "I’m proud of the way the Oilers have handled things, extremely proud. I wouldn’t be here if they hadn’t handled it the way they have. I want to thank them for that."

Attitudes Changing Toward Gays Represented in a Poll

The Public Religion Research Institute, who has been conducting studies over the last 20 years, says that support for same-sex civil unions had risen from 45 per cent in 2003 to 57 per cent in 2009.

Appeal Lost by Anti-Gay Student

Jennifer Keeton, seeking her MA at Augusta State University, lost an appeal against the school who wanted to expel her for not complying in not discriminating against gay people. Instead of having an unbiased view point as counselor's should when it comes to sexuality, she wanted to suggest conversion therapy. She decided to sue for "viewpoint discrimination" and ended up losing.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Perils of Maurine by Maurine Mackey

Great stories that you need to read!

Find them here:

The Perils of Maurine:

Doogie Goes Daddy!

Congratulations to Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka! They are going to become proud parents to twins.

Disproportionate Discharge

The Military's Fiscal Year information revealed that women have been discharged from the military under Don't Ask, Don't Tell in alarmingly high numbers. This is the same for people of color.

Prop 8 Still In Limbo

The decision to overturn Prop 8 is stayed by the 9th Circuit. Oral appeals are set for December 6th. No gay marriages yet. The appeals will be expedited.

Should Transgender or Transsexual People Be Allowed to Marry?


"Gays always love to pretend that they are in some struggle for equality, trying to convince non-gays to join their cause based on faulty notions such as ‘genetics’ or ‘condition’, that do not apply to gays.

The gay agenda has become increasingly belligerent, manipulative and aggressive. Gays wish to force their lifestyle upon our society and children. Gays wish to make it seem that society at large thinks their forceful behavior is acceptable, and actively recruit others to help them manipulate scientific polls, created to show that gays are not accepted and America stands against gay marriage.

It is one thing for people in general society to fall for such rhetoric and clap-trap, but for scientists to fall for this is completely absurd. Scientists should understand that being gay is not a genetic condition that has been proved in any primary journal study of significant confidence.

It is an offense to true interest groups who have had to gain Civil Rights. Gays try to liken themselves to the Afr0-Americans, who came to this country as slaves and were mistreated for hundreds of years, due to their skin color.
Afro-Americans are given equal rights because their skin color is genetic. It is not grounds for treating them differently, for they are people just like anyone else. Their skin color does not obscure their right to live a full life of joy and happiness. Afro-Americans tend to have a higher amount of melatonin in their skin, in addition to several other phenotypic traits resultant to the genetic product of more than ten specific coding alleles.

Women, by a normative genetic means, are of sexual chromosome make-up XX, even though some women are XY and beyond. This is fine. Women have been mistreated in society, due to their physiological appearance. Their oppression was based on a genetic condition, and again, this is not right as it questions the authority of nature and therefore God himself.

In politics and ensuring rights, we must make sure that Civil Rights are awarded based upon merit. Gays try to link themselves to the ideas of Civil Rights for minorities who suffer from genetic conditions historically out of the norm, and therefore, are oppressed.

Gays are not gay due to genetics; gays are gay due to choice. The gay’s choice to be perverted may be rooted in psychological trauma or gender confusion, from an unstable childhood or lack of self-identity. Gays may choose to be gay due to having a malicious heart and a self-destructive nature. Due to their self-loathing, they have no bottom line and enjoy corrupting the most innocent of everyone, children.
Some gays have such issues with self-identity, that they try to ’switch’ their genders in secret, calling themselves made-up things like ‘transgender’ or ‘transsexual’, as if their choice to mutilate their bodies and adorn themselves in the socially acceptable attire of the opposing gender can somehow undo their baseline genetic code.

Gays must be taught to choose that their lifestyle and desire is not normal. Gays must accept that a man’s body is designed to mate with a woman. A woman’s body is designed to mate with a man. This is normal and based on our bauplan, the very essence of our species, we are meant to do.

What is the pulse of America? Gays are trying to make the legalization of their “right” to marriage an issue. The “trans” gays are taking it a step-up, trying to get their official gender denomination changed, so that society is forced to see them as “female” (even though genetically a male) and allow them to marry, against our federal law.

Does the heart of America beat true and moral, or is it now corrupt. Vote in the poll, above. Let it be known if we stand as One Nation, Under God, as it stated in the oath every American must take and believe in. Or are we a modern day Sodom, where we will let gays run rampant, harming our society and children, blurring the line between decency and morality forevermore."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

17 Year Old Deemed Poor Role Model for Celebrating Pride

A 17-year-old gay teenager in New Westminster was called a poor role model by her minister when she posed for a newspaper photograph for the city’s first-ever Pride celebration. Tory Inglis's picture with two gay men appeared in a front-page story on June 12 in New Westminster’s Royal City Record newspaper. Not long after, the minister at First Presbyterian Church, a church she had attended all her life, called and asked to meet to talk about her involvement in the Pride event.

Marines Accused of Assaulting a Gay Man: Hearing Postponed

A judge in Georgia, Claire Cornwell-Williams, again postponed a hearing Thursday for two Beaufort Marines who were accused of assaulting a gay man back in June. The judge postponed the hearing until September 9th to give Assistant District Attorney Laura Singleton and defense attorneys for the two Marines time to review a surveillance video of the assault. The charge happened on June 12, declared misdemeanor battery for allegedly punching the man in the back of the head during an incident near the intersection of Congress and Bull streets.

Reverend Tom Brock Not Gay...Just Attracted to Men

Reverend Tom Brock, a lutheran pastor in Minneapolis, is in opposition of homosexuals being allowed to lead congregations...however, he admitted to the Associated Press that he has been attracted to men for years...but he is not gay...because he never acted on those urges. He says he is celibate. Torture, yes!?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prop 8 Ruled Unconstitutional

Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Proposition 8 violated civil rights.

Let's see how long it takes Yes on 8 to try to use more "voter approved" bigotry to overturn equality. Oh...wait...already started.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Internet Kill Switch!

Via Grant Gross from Tech World:

"A US Senate committee has approved a wide-ranging cybersecurity bill that some critics have suggested would give the US president the authority to shut down parts of the Internet during a cyberattack...The bill, introduced earlier this month, would establish a White House Office for Cyberspace Policy and a National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications, which would work with private US companies to create cybersecurity requirements for the electrical grid, telecommunications networks and other critical infrastructure.

The bill also would allow the US president to take emergency actions to protect critical parts of the Internet, including ordering owners of critical infrastructure to implement emergency response plans, during a cyber-emergency. The president would need congressional approval to extend a national cyber-emergency beyond 120 days under an amendment to the legislation approved by the committee.

The legislation would give the US Department of Homeland Security authority that it does not now have to respond to cyber-attacks, Lieberman, a Connecticut independent, said earlier this month."

An Interview with National Organization for Marriage's Maggie Gallagher

Thanks to Bil Browning of, we have this interview with Maggie answering questions those of us who rail against NOM want to know.

To Boycott Target?

This video has been circulating the web and getting some people in the GLBTQ community steamed.

To Boycott Target or no?

United Methodists Reconsidering the Gays?

According to United Methodist News Service:

The highest court in the United Methodist Church will review its 2005 ruling that allowed a clergyman to bar a noncelibate gay man from joining a congregation.

The Judicial Council will take up the issue when it convenes Wednesday, Oct. 27, through, Saturday, Oct. 30, in New Orleans.

Rush Limbaugh Supports Civil Unions

When it comes to The Gay and Rush Limbaugh, it has never been a pleasant meeting, but Rush, in his own words, supports civil unions:

“Elton John is not married to David Furnish, and Elton John is not a supporter of gay marriage,” Limbaugh tells his audience. “Elton John is on the same page as I am, as is Obama on gay marriage. He’s for civil unions, but he’s not for marriage.”

“Of course it had to be mentioned in the story that Elton John played my wedding reception … even though I am ‘vehemently anti-gay marriage and Elton John is married, he’s not.”

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Charges Dropped Against Lt. Dan Choi and Capt. Jim Pietrangelo

Lt. Dan Choi and Capt. Jim Pietrangelo were due to face charges for hand cuffing themselves to the White House fence twice in protest of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." They were to be charged for their disobedience of the law. Then, out of the blue, the charges were dropped.

No ELR 7-24-2010

No ELR show next week -- it's out of town time!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Argentina Votes for Same Sex Marriage

As of this morning, the senate in Argentina voted 33-27 to take steps toward marriage equality. The bill will make its way to President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Keep an eye or ear on this one.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Church Not Yet Ready

The 219th General Assembly voted Thursday to keep the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman.

The vote was 348-324, with six commissioners abstaining.

For some background on this story, from The Presbyterian Church USA site (

"Just prior to the Assembly’s action, the body accepted the recommendation of the General Assembly Civil Union and Marriage Issues Committee to approve the report of the Special Committee to Study Issues of Civil Union and Christian Marriage by a vote of 439-208. The Assembly decided to send both the special committee report and the minority report generated by three members of the special committee to the larger church for study after a motion to replace the final report with the minority report was defeated, 358-311."

The 219th General Assembly Moderator Cindy Bolbach said during a press conference, “The church was not yet ready to make a decision,” said following adjournment. “This kind of thing happens at every assembly.”

"The church was not yet ready." Never have truer words been said, sadly.

Modern Love Includes The Gays!

Hopefully you got to hear about the NBC show "Modern Love" and the rules for contestants that included being of good morals and not having anything in their backgrounds that would embarrass NBC or the Today Show (Read as: don't be gay!) Of course, if they were denying exclusion of gays at all, this story from GLAAD confirms the suspicion:

"This afternoon NBC and the Today Show did just that. Following a meeting between GLAAD and NBC executives, NBC announced that after listening to community concerns it will open the contest to same-sex couples and extend the submission deadline until Monday, July 12. Couples now have until then to apply. Finalists will be announced later this year and the wedding takes place live on the Today Show this October."

When Was Someone Going to Tell Me DOMA Violated the 10th Amendmant?

In the words of Reporter Rex Wocknoer, about the Commonwealth vs US HHS decision, because I cannot put it better,

"This court has determined that it is clearly within the authority of the Commonwealth to recognize same-sex marriages among its residents, and to afford those individuals in same-sex marriages any benefits, rights, and privileges to which they are entitled by virtue of their marital status. The federal government, by enacting and enforcing DOMA, plainly encroaches upon the firmly entrenched province of the state, and, in doing so, offends the Tenth Amendment."

Huh...sounds familiar...maybe it's because we've been saying it for a loooong time...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hawaiian Governor Leaves Civil Unions Up to The Voting Booth

Republican governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, decided to veto the bill to legalize same-sex civil unions: She backed the decision by saying, "This is a decision that should not be made by one person sitting in her office or by members of the Majority Party behind closed doors in a legislative caucus, but by all the people of Hawaii behind the curtain of the voting booth."

Oh, thank, you, Linda! Allowing bigots to hide behind voting curtains in order to deny rights to a group of people that they view as second class citizens - if they view us as anything at all - sounds spectacular and noble...except, not at all.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What Do Gay Bars and Church Camp Have in Common?

Christian Youth Camps refuses to allow a fellow Christian group to put on a camp. Way Out, the groups is called, was denied because Christian Youth Camps feels that what Way Out believes is contrary to the Bible. From what I remember, personally, there are more gays at Christian camp than your local gay bar!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Attention Gays! We are a THREAT!

Anti-gay activists are scared for their lives and want to operate under a cloak of safety. Why? Well, let them tell you: From World Net Daily, "“We’ve got affidavits from more than 60 people who were targeted, harassed. There are newspaper reports of more cases. This seems to be a concerted campaign … to attack and stifle the opposition through harassment".

What vicious acts have us gays tortured the anti-gay activists with? "When the fight over marriage was raging in California, WND reported an angry mob of homosexual activists attacked an elderly bespectacled woman carrying a cross, then shouted her down during a live TV interview.

"We should fight! We should fight!" screamed one protester as the woman, identified as Phyllis Burgess, stood calmly with a reporter waiting to be interviewed."

Oh, how dare we shout at someone for wanting to take away our rights! Such violence! Oh, for shame!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Prevention of Lesbian Babies!? What!?

Some doctors give pregnant women doses of dexamethasone, which is a Class C steroid that they say prevents congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) which can lead to ambiguous genitalia. The best part, there was an article published in a paper by Meyer-Bahlburg in 1999 that said: "CAH in women can cause such “a lower interest … in getting married and performing the traditional child-case/housewife role”.

I think performing the traditional child-case/housewife role causes lower interest in performing the traditional child-case/housewife role. But, what do I know?

Happy Birthday Civil Unions!

Congratulations, civil unions! You are 10 years old as of July 1st! On July 1st, 2000, Civil unions went into law in Vermont. Congratulations! A symbol of another step in the right direction made years ago.

Google Gots the Back of the Gays

Via the New York Times: "Google is going to begin covering a cost that gay and lesbian employees must pay when their partners receive domestic partner health benefits, largely to compensate them for an extra tax that heterosexual married couples do not pay. The increase will be retroactive to the beginning of the year."

Canyon Ridge Christian Church in cahoots with Pastor Martin Ssempa

Las Vegas Church, Canyon Ridge Christian Church in cahoots with Pastor Martin Ssempa, the proponent for the "Kill the Gays" bill. It's reported that the church is finacially supporting Ssempa and his church's staff. Both Canyon Ridge and Ssempa state that the Anti-Homosexuality Bill only sentences to death people who rape the handicap and molest children, anyone who reads the actual bill can see that the bill can kill anyone whose actions even implies gayness. Need proof? I have posted the bill in it's entirety on Facebook(¬e_id=137196432974128&id=195733465167).

You could probably Google it too.